Journal Subscription

Acta Parasitology et Medica Entomologica Sinica is a high-level academic journal in the fields of parasitology and medical entomology in China, governed by the Academy of Military Sciences and sponsored by Academy of Military Medical Sciences. The journal offers a scientific platform for professionals in parasitology and medical entomology to publish research findings, discuss different academic viewpoints, and engage in academic exchanges and discussions.

Authors and readers mostly consist of professionals in parasitology and medical entomology research, teaching, clinical medicine, health epidemic prevention, animal and plant quarantine, veterinary medicine, plant protection, and the pharmaceutical industry, as well as professionals in other related disciplines of biology and medicine, and scholars from both China and abroad.

Currently, the journal is included in the Chinese Science and Technology Paper and Citation Database (CSTPCD) as well as several major international databases: Chemical Abstracts (USA), Biological Abstracts (USA), Zoological Record (ZR)(UK), EBSCO (USA), CABI (UK) and its 5 subsidiaries.

The journal is published domestically and internationally. The domestic postal distribution code is 80-105.

Address: Editorial Office of Acta Parasitologica et Medica Entomologica Sinica, 20 Dongdajie Street, Fengtai District, Beijing, China

Postal Code: 100071

Tel: 010-66948579



Publication Pricing (Postage included): 12.0 RMB per issue, 48.00 RMB per year (four issues).

Pubdate: 2022-09-01    Viewed: 411