Submission Guide

Submission Guide

Acta Parasitologica et Medica Entomologica Sinica

Sponsored by the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Acta Parasitologica et Medica Entomologica Sinica is a quarterly academic journal mainly publishes original research articles and brief reports in the fields of parasitology and medical entomology (including ticks and mites), as well as academic discussions and thematic reviews.

I. Content Requirements

1.      Manuscripts should be scientific, practical, clearly argued, based on reliable data, employing correct analytical methods, logically structured, and written concisely. Full-length articles (including figures, tables, references, and abstracts in English) generally should not exceed 8,000 words, while brief reports should be within 3,000 words, and reviews should not exceed 8,000 words.

2.      Submissions should include the names, genders, titles, research interests, affiliations, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses of the first author and corresponding author for timely correspondence.

3.      There is no limit on the number of authors for articles, but for reviews, the authorship should not exceed three individuals. Author affiliations, cities, and postal codes should be provided, and the order of authors should adhere to the original manuscript. Submissions should include a cover letter from the author's institution (stating that the manuscript has no issues regarding authorship or institutional affiliation, and has not been submitted elsewhere).

4.      If the research discussed in the article has received funding from national, ministerial, or provincial-level funds or key projects, please indicate this in a footnote (bottom left of the first page), e.g., "Fund Project: Project Name (Number)."

II. Formatting Requirements

1.      Title: Titles should be concise and reflect the main topic of the article. Chinese titles should generally not exceed 20 Chinese characters.

2.      Authors: Author names should be listed under the title in order, followed by their affiliations, departments, cities, and postal codes. The format for English names should be like: WU Hou-Yong.

3.      Abstract: All articles must include both Chinese and English abstracts, each within 300-500 characters (words). Abstracts should cover the objectives, methods, results (highlighting main data), and conclusions, presented cohesively without paragraph breaks.

4.      Keywords: All articles should have both Chinese and English keywords, with English keywords corresponding to the Chinese ones on a one-to-one basis, comprising 4-5 keywords. English keywords should be selected from the latest edition of the Medical Subject Headings (MESH) thesaurus listed in the Index Medicus compiled by the National Library of Medicine in the United States. Keywords should be separated by semicolons, with the first letter of each English keyword capitalized.

5.      Scientific and technical terms: Use terms approved by the National Committee for the Standardization of Scientific and Technical Terminology. For the first occurrence of a term in the text, provide its full Chinese name followed by the corresponding Chinese abbreviation or English full name and its abbreviation in parentheses, separated by a comma. Subsequent occurrences may use the abbreviation. Gene names and Latin names should be italicized.

6.      Units of measurement: Use units of measurement specified by the People's Republic of China, represented by their symbols, e.g., liter as L, millimoles per liter as mmol/L, minutes as min, seconds as s, and convert revolutions per minute (rpm) to relative centrifugal force (RCF) with unit expressed in g, etc. Leave one space between numbers and units, e.g., 30 ng.

7.      Figures and tables: Figures and tables should be consecutively numbered in the order they appear in the text. Each figure or table should have a title or caption, and explanatory content should be placed in footnotes below. Titles, captions, headers, and footnotes should be provided in both Chinese and English. Figures and tables should be placed directly in the text where they are referenced. Figures should be clear, with uniform lines, and arranged as half-column (width ≤7.5 cm) or full-column (width ≤15 cm) according to their content. The font size in figures should be Songti size 6 for Chinese, and 8 pt for English. Tables should be formatted using three-line tables.

8.      References: Include only the most relevant sources, excluding internal data and unpublished literature. References need not be numbered, but should be listed alphabetically. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to international standards, which can be found at Include ALL authors' names in the references. Cite references within the text using the "(Author, Year)" format.

III. Citation Format

1.      For journal articles, the citation format is: Author(s). Title. Journal Name (abbreviate English Journal's title), Year, Volume (Issue): Page range. For example:

Day JF, Ramsey AM, Zhang J. Environmentally mediated seasonal variation in mosquito body size[J]. Environ Entomol, 1990, 19(3)469-473.

Yang SS, Yang XZ, Wu ZZ. In vivo studies on the effect of several traditional Chinese medicines on tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii[J]. Chin J Parasitic Dis Control, 1989, 2(3)177-180. [杨树森,杨秀珍,吴增强. 中药抗弓形虫速殖子作用的体外试验[J]. 中国寄生虫病防治杂志, 1989, 2(3)177-180.]

2.      For books and monographs, the format is: Author(s). Title. (Edition, Volume). Place of publication: Publisher, Year: Page range. For example:

Wu GL. Human Parasitology. 3th ed[M]. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2005: 687-696. [吴观陵 主编. 人体寄生虫学. 3[M]. 北京: 人民卫生出版社,2005: 687-696.]

IV. Submission Guidelines

1.      Manuscripts should be submitted online through the journal's website. If authors do not receive a confirmation email from the editorial office, the submission was unsuccessful. In case of failed online submissions, manuscripts may be submitted via email, along with a recommendation letter from the authors' institution sent to the editorial office.

2.      The editorial office will decide whether to accept submissions within two months of receipt (exceptions may occur in special circumstances). Manuscripts deemed unsuitable for publication will be returned to the authors. Manuscripts selected for potential publication will undergo a review process, and authors will be informed of any necessary revisions. If the revision period exceeds three months or if significant changes are made, the revised manuscript will be treated as a new submission. The editorial office reserves the right to make necessary textual modifications. Manuscripts will generally be published in the order of receipt.

3.      There is no fee for publication or manuscript processing. Authors whose submissions are published may receive remuneration.

V. Contact Us

Address: Editorial Office of Acta Parasitologica et Medica Entomologica Sinica, 20 Dongdajie Street, Fengtai District, Beijing, China

Postal Code: 100071

Tel: 010-66948579


Pubdate: 2022-09-01    Viewed: 1279