Publishing Ethics Statement

In order to further strengthen academic integrity, standardize the process of article writing, reviewing, editing, and publishing, and enhance the quality of publication, the journal has formulated the Publishing Ethical Statement according to relevant standards such as “the Academic Publishing Specification - Definition of Academic Misconduct in Journals (CY/T174-2019)” issued by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). It sets forth the academic ethics of authors, editors and reviewers at stages such as data collection, data analysis, and article writing.

I.       Authors' Ethics

1.      In accordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), authors should cite previously published original works reasonably, including their own published articles. Authors should actively avoid all academic misconduct such as plagiarism, multiple submission, and duplicate publication.

2.      Authorship: Authorship should meet the following four criteria simultaneously: (1) substantial contributions to the conception or design of the study, or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data; (2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; (3) final approval of the version to be published; and (4) agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. Only those who meet all these criteria should be listed as authors, while those who do not meet all criteria should be acknowledged, and their consent should be required before publication.

3.      Authorship Modification: First authors and corresponding authors cannot be changed after submission. For other authors besides the first and corresponding authors, any additions, deletions, or reordering of author names should be done before the manuscript is accepted. If any changes to the authorship information are necessary, the corresponding author must explain the reasons for the changes and send a confirmation of the changes agreed upon by all authors to the editorial office. When adding or removing author names, the confirmation should also include confirmation from the added or removed authors.

4.      Authors should declare their contributions and whether there are any potential conflicts of interest related to the research (i.e., whether there are conflicts of interest caused by economic interests or other relationships). Authors are obliged to sign the "Copyright Transfer Agreement & Declaration of Authors" as required by the editorial office.

5.      Medical Ethics: Medical research involves studies on humans and experimental animals, so research ethics should be taken seriously. Research institutions must fulfill their responsibilities as ethics subjects in science and technology and implement ethics review. Clinical research is recommended to follow the requirements of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors for clinical trial registration.

6.      Informed Consent: When the subject of the article is human research subjects, the authors should explain whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible human experimentation committee (whether institutional, regional, or national) and provide approval documents from the committee and informed consent forms from the subjects or their legal guardians.

II.     Editors' Ethics

1.      Editors must treat every author fairly and impartially and treat every manuscript scientifically and objectively. Editors must ensure that every manuscript accepted by the journal undergoes a content review, regardless of the author's gender, religion, or nationality. Based on the initial review, editors may preliminarily accept, reject, or request revisions to the article. The final acceptance of the manuscript must be based on the review comments of the reviewers and editorial board.

2.      Editors have the obligation to keep and maintain the confidentiality of the materials in the review and revision process. Editors shall not disclose any information about the manuscript to persons with conflicts of interest. Editors must keep the reviewers' identities confidential and must not directly or indirectly disclose the reviewers' information to the authors.

3.      Editors must adhere to relevant national policies, regulations, and institutional norms regarding journal publishing, strictly follow the review process, and ensure that each manuscript is treated seriously.

4.      When authors have objections to the revision suggestions, editors should respect the authors' opinions and handles them carefully.

III.    Reviewers' Ethics

1.      Reviewers must conduct their reviews of manuscripts objectively and impartially, expressing their views with reason and evidence based on literature and professional knowledge.

2.      Reviewers need to confirm all data and viewpoints in the research according to their professional knowledge. If plagiarism or simultaneous submission is found, the editorial office should be notified immediately.

3.      Reviewers should not have conflicts of interest with the research, authors, and/or sponsors of the research. If there is a conflict, the reviewer should recuse themselves and promptly notify the editorial office to replace the reviewer.

4.      Reviewers must not share or use the content of the manuscripts they review without authorization and must not disclose the content of unpublished manuscripts.

5.      Reviewers must not use their review rights to seek undue benefits. Reviewers must not use the content of unpublished manuscripts they review for their own research, nor intentionally delay the review process or use the content of the manuscript for similar research.

IV.   Handling of Academic Misconduct

This journal adopts the CNKI "Academic Misconduct Detection System" to detect all submitted articles and articles suspected of plagiarism reported by readers. According to the detection results, if the similarity rate is     % or above, the article will be submitted together with the comparative article to the reviewer to determine the nature and form of the article's duplication, and to give opinions on the recognition and handling of the similarity between the article and the comparative article. If an article is identified as involving academic misconduct, it will be rejected to uphold scientific ethical standards and preserve the integrity of the publishing process. The author's institution will be notified to enforce administrative penalties, and sister journals in the same field will be alerted.

V.     Advertising Policy

Acta Parasitologica et Medica Entomologica Sinica currently does not accept advertising partnerships, and there will be no commercial advertisements in the journal and its official website.

VI.   Comments and Feedback

If authors, readers, or any experts have any opinions on the publication ethics statement of this journal, or have any comments on the articles published in this journal, or report articles suspected of academic misconduct, they can send their comments to the editorial office of this journal. The editorial office will handle them as soon as possible and provide feedback as appropriate. We welcome readers and authors to jointly supervise and actively provide various comments and suggestions to the editorial office, creating a good academic atmosphere together.

Pubdate: 2024-07-02    Viewed: 13